The Community’s vision is to maintain Hunter Mill Road as a tranquil, residential byway with unique natural, historic, and picturesque character, thus preserving one of the last remaining scenic, rolling terrains in Fairfax County.

The Interpretation

The Community
The community is defined as those who live, work, and recreate in the vicinity.  The community embraces and promotes the preservation of wildlife and the enhancements to the quality of life by the inclusion of Paws, Hooves, Heels and Wheels (PHHW) into the vision for Hunter Mill Road.

The statement represents what the community wants the road to be like in 100 years after the vision statement is accepted, implementation may be incremental, but all changes to the road must be consistent with the vision.

Any changes to the road must be congruent with the vision statement.

Hunter Mill Road
The total length of the road from Baron Cameron Avenue in Reston to Route 123 in Oakton, including all facilities within and adjacent to the right-of-way, that the public experiences along the length of the road.

Typically slow and steady movement of traffic, no posted speeds over 35mph; a quiet, calm residential byway. Minimal signage and traffic control clutter, no advertising or billboards. Residents and those who share our road feel safe using all facilities along the entire length of Hunter Mill Road. The road shall be statistically safe, as measured by low injury and crash rates.  Through trucks and HAZMAT transportation are banned, PHHW have easy ingress and egress to the road. PHHW can safely cross the road frequently, at reasonable intervals, and safely and pleasantly stroll beside (walk along) the road.
The road shall be accessible: walkable, crossable, easy ingress and egress to properties, left and right turns out of driveways and cross streets without the need for turn lanes.

While Route123, Reston Parkway, Fairfax County Parkway and Route 28 serve the needs of rapid travel North/South; Hunter Mill Road remains the only North/South residential byway in Fairfax County retaining the historical and aesthetic character of rural Virginia.

The road will be gently rolling and curving, following the natural topography, with native species growing alongside, shaded with old trees, which will form a canopy along the road. The road will retain its rural (or semi-rural) character, which means curbless, grassy shoulders following the natural topography with native foliage wherever possible.

Historic sites, trails and buildings along the length of Hunter Mill Road are identified, preserved and enhanced. History will be defined to include all peoples and cultures of this area.

No exposed utilities; historic vistas from valleys and hills are preserved.

Everything along the road reflects the aesthetic of the rest of the road.  Parks and equestrian pathways are supported; traffic is kept slow enough to support safe passage of PHHW. The movement of traffic is to reflect the tranquil atmosphere as stated in the vision statement.