A workgroup of citizens, local and state transportation officials have been meeting since October, 2002, to identify and find solutions to safety issues of Hunter Mill Road. This effort was initiated by Delegate Vincent Callahan at the request of HMDL. It could determine the road’s character for years to come. Residents of HM communities have been appointed to the committee by Supervisors Mendelsohn, Connally, and Hudgins. They include Bruce Bennett (Hunter Mll Road), Heidi Hornstein (Hunter Mill Road), Elizabeth Abiles (Wayside), Linda Byrne (Oakton), Zena Starr (Tamarack), Judy Beattie (Hunter Mill Country Day School), Bob Cave (Oakton), and John Thoburn (Hunter Mill Road).
Read the completed Hunter Mill Road Traffic Calming Study: http://www.novaregion.org/huntermill.htm
Please contact any member of the committee or Bob Adams (Oakton), Chairman, at 703 242-9756 or Rwagtm@aol.com with comments or questions.