If you are a Hunter Mill Rd area resident or someone who uses the lovely and historic VA SCENIC BY WAY Hunter Mill Rd on a regular basis and have any environmental concerns about keeping (and improving it!)… think WATER, and check the Stream Monitoring Activities Calendar and associated web sites.
Many trails go through the Hunter Mill Corridor. In addition to local neighborhood trails, Hunter Mill is crossed by the W&OD Trail, the Cross County Trail which runs from the southern end of the County to the northern end and touches all districts , and the Rails to River Trail, which connects the W&OD Trail, Lake Fairfax Park, Leesburg Pike, Great Falls National Park, and the Potomac River. See below for a listing of local trails.
Other Links of interest include:
Friends of the W&OD Trail
Fairfax Trails and Streams
In light of the recent developments, or should I say, imminent decisions in regard to “development” at HM & 267, I hope we take pains to insist on answers to questions not only regarding traffic, schools, security, but also the regional commitment regarding the Chesapeake Bay preservation. Virginia along with Maryland and DC are committed to preserving and restoring the natural resource value of the Bay. Fairfax comprehensive planning and land use must be consistent with that commitment. Densification of buffer areas, such as the land in question, is a serious challenge, if not an absolute threat, to storm water drainage and water quality management. Merely sending it all downstream is not an option.
Our Streams
Hunter Mill Rd corridor residents, travelers and other neighbors interested in the role our watersheds play in the health of our environment: Note that HM Rd (with two major stream crossings, one at the one-lane bridge crossing at Colvin Run near the northern end of the HM Rd, the other, Difficult Run, on the southern leg of HM Rd, just south of the W&OD Trail crossing)
straddles the largest watershed in Fairfax County. Difficult Run Watershed, in turn, drains into the Potomac and on out to the environmentally sensitive and critical Chesapeake Bay.
If you are interested in getting more closely acquainted with either Colvin Run or Difficult Run, in the vicinity of Hunter Mill Rd, consider walking the streams themselves and perhaps joining in one or more of the stream clean-up efforts planned for this fall. If you are interested this effort please contact Bob Ruedisueli, Hunter Mill Defense League Environment Committee chair at 703-757-6989 or 301-227-5093.